Here is the first compilation of few of the lists I had in my mind. The following are the movies which I feel are hugely over rated and above all, the movies I truly despise. The reason for this hatred range from just bad cinema, horrid adaptations from books right to watching the movie on a bad day. But irrespective of the reason, one thing is for sure; I can never watch these movies again.
5. D-WAR:
Some movies are good in a negative funny sort of way, even when they have a ridiculous plot, bad acting and hopeless special effects. They entertain you plainly because they are bad. This movie about dragons, a prophecy and a waste of two precious hours just isn’t that kind of cinema. This movie in my opinion was made to be atrocious and let me tell you this, it succeeded.
I’ve always as far as I can remember enjoyed super hero movies and still, enjoy them as much. But, the story of a blind vigilante trying to bring down Kingpin; the big fish of the black trade fell really flat. Apart from Affleck bad acting combined with my hatred for Jennifer Garner’s brand of acting, this movie turned out to be a nightmare.
I completely agree that for a Harry Potter fan the movies always fall short. I guess, this is the case for most of the major book adaptations into movie. But this part had been the worst movie going experience primarily because; it was bad piece of cinema. Right from Radcliff’s really bad portrayal of Harry till the major additions of scenes the director has taken upon himself to add.
The most over hyped movie of the decade and surely not a worthy entry into IMDB’S TOP 250, this movie about a relationship between two strangers, a lonely wife (Scarlet Johansson) and an A-list actor bordering on a burnout (Bill Murray) in a foreign country is just boring and was a very big disappointment after all the hype and the star cast it boasted off.
1. 13 GOING ON 30:
Finally, to the number one hated movie of all time for me would be the story of a 13 year old girl who by some “magic powder” gets her wish of turning 30 after a very embarrassing birthday. I feel this movie has to be immediately stopped from production and all the existing disks ought to be burned in order to save the future generations from brain damage and to salvage humanity. Jennifer Garner, thanks to this movie has also achieved to get into my all time hated actor’s list.
hey! good work overall! thot there cudve been a lil elaboration on each and still make it concise. was too general in comment.
lists inspired by high fidelity? I'm pretty shocked that Hp ootp made your top 5. it's a really good movie! and 13 going on 30 is one of the worst movies i've seen too. good post. as swap said, you could've elaborated a little more on the synopsis of each movie.
@swapna-The problem with writing in more detail, is that it becomes too long.
@moondust-Well, you can say High fidelity inspiration. Lol. And Hp 5 acc. to me was a massive deviance from the book. Very dissapointing.
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